Greggermann Music Greggermann Music

A story about making Tales of Time

The night before the recording session for Tales of Time, I tried going to bed early so I could be super focused. Instead I woke up at 1:30. I tried my best to fall asleep but I just couldn’t stop thinking about the music. It was just the perfect amount of anxiousness and excitement. But also keep in mind because if the pandemic, I hadn’t really played with other live humans for awhile.. I was worried that my mind would be slow and rusty.
Will I overplay? Will my playing he stagnant? Will the other musicians enjoy playing with me?

But the beautiful thing about playing music with musicians at that level The band made it so easy and we all explored the music together!! My instincts took over and the interplay between us as a band was wonderful! It was conversational and we also really listened to each other and shaped the music. It might go down as one of my best days of my life! I wasn’t sure how it would go but the end results ending up making me so happy that I couldn’t sleep the next evening either even though I was exhausted!! Lol.

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